“Ask yourself is it right or wrong and act accordingly.” This means that every time you have to make a decision you gotta see if it’s right or wrong. So you gotta make the right or wrong decision.
GAMER Duties: Professional gamers generally play video games for prize money or salaries. Such individuals usually deeply study the game to master it and usually to play in competitions. A pro gamer may also be another type of gamer , such as a hardcore gamer , if he or she meets the additional criteria for that gamer type. Salary: 100,000 Education: No need for education. Demand: No demand
Youtuber Duties: YouTubers are people who believe in the power of Do It Yourself! They create their own YouTube channels, vlog (video blog) regularly and build subscribers over time. The more traffic their channel gets, the more opportunities they have for percentage-based advertising revenue, freebies for review purposes, promotions and partnerships. Salary: As a full-time YouTube content creator, she says she has earned $100,000 - $130,000 per year ($8.3k - 10.8k per month) for each of the last three years. She posts at least 20 videos per week, and earns money through a combination of advertising, sponsorships, and merchandising (e.g. Olga Kay knee socks). Education: There is no need to have education. Demand: There is no demand to be a youtuber.
HEALTH SCIENCES LIBRARIAN Duties and Responsibility: Librarians do much more than help you check out books; in fact, there are many subcategories of librarian, including ones who specialize in medical literature and research. This work requires a master's degree in library science as well as some specific knowledge of the health and medical field. Salary: $66,622 Education: Health science librarians help health providers, patients, and students sort through the vast amount of information available. A four-year bachelor's degree is then required, including courses such as science and computer science . A master's degree in library science (MLS) is mandatory. Demand: Medical librarians must have a Master of Library and Information Science degree from a school with an ALA-accredited program. Applicants must already have an undergraduate degree (in any field). It is helpful, but not necessary, to have taken undergraduate courses in biology, medica...
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