Duties: The shear and strain bearing ability of every person is different and every individual can excel physical activities up to a certain level. A kinesiologist examines and understands the physical capability of every individual and provides them proper training and assistance in case they require to amplify their physical capacity to sustain stress. They help strengthen the bones and muscles by designing proper exercise schedules and diet for the people who have to perform aggressive tasks throughout the day.


Education: The human body is a fascinating machine, and the field of kinesiology offers a close examination of how it works. A bachelor's degree in kinesiology can lead to several different career options, including occupational therapist, physical therapist, fitness trainer.

Demand: Physical therapists must complete graduate school physical therapy programs in order to be eligible for mandatory state licensing. Most physical therapy programs include coursework, such as pathokinesiology, rehabilitation therapy and therapeutic measurements. Eligibility requirements for licensure differ by state; however, most states require applicants to pass a recognized licensing exam, such as the National Physical Therapy Examination


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